Thursday, July 18, 2013

Create and Promote your Own Videos Step by Step | Design and Promotion

For all of you anxious to create your first business video, upload it to YouTube, and start promoting it – this is for you. Here’s a blueprint that will help you get through this process easily and quickly, so don’t skip anything!

I won’t go into details in most areas like teaching you how to operate video software, create captions, annotations, etc since most of the items listed below are very extensive subjects which require further exploration.

Professional, high quality, and expensive cameras are not necessary to create high-definition video clips. Most smartphones already have the capabilities to shoot HD footage, so if you have a camera-equipped phone, search for the 1280×720 resolution option. You might have a higher resolution, even, but footage may sometimes look like its floating unless you have an extremely steady hand or use a tripod.

  1. The only requirement for opening your own Youtube channel is having a Gmail account. Unless you have one already open, a Gmail account using a name you’d like to associate your business profile with is recommended. 

  2. Click the YouTube tab on a top bar of your Gmail account and signup to YouTube.

  3. Try picking a username that is somehow associated with your business, service or product. For examples, a local plumbing business can try: AddisonPlumber or PlumbingChicago. It may be taken, of course, so try adding a digit at the beginning or end. The username can be a maximum of 20 characters and only letters/numbers are permitted.

  4. In the channel description section, write your business information, along with a link to your business website. You can customize the channel by uploading a logo and large image of your company.

  5. There are many ways to create videos with various media types. You can use actual video footage shot at your workplace; I recommend assembling several short clips (7-10 seconds long) unless you are videotaping a conversation. You can also use pictures, transform PowerPoint presentations into a video, or combine both.

  6. To assemble your videos, various free online programs can be used such as (the free version only allows 30 seconds of footage) or one of your native computer programs – Windows Movie Maker or the Mac iMovie.

  7.  Besides assembling your footage, I highly recommend branding each of the videos with your business name, at least in the beginning and end, or even through the entire clip as a semi-transparent logo.

  8. While creating your video, you can use a short intro showing the business logo for a few seconds and an outro at the end, which ideally should be around 20 seconds and display your “Call to Action”. Call to Action should include your best contact information, asking viewers to call, visit your website, share the video, like the video, etc. Give your potential client a chance and reason to contact you now, not later.

  9. Once you have your video assembled and prepared for rendering, set the settings to a 1280×720 resolution, and use H.264, MPEG-2 or MPEG-4, WMV, .AVI and .MOV formats, 44.1KHz Stereo MP3 or AAC audio, frame rate as the original video. I believe that for your basic marketing purposes, your video should be somewhere around 1 or (maximum) 2 minutes long, unless it is extremely entertaining.

  10. Before uploading your video to YouTube, make sure you name the newly created video file using your main keyword phrase (use Google Keyword Tool for suggestions), or a variation of it, along with your best contact phone number. In the plumber example, your title could look like this: Plumber in Addison (708) 123 4567 Emergency Plumbing Service

  11. Login to your YouTube account, upload the video, and remove video format extensions from the title so that it looks like this:Plumber in Addison | (708) 123 4567 | Emergency Plumbing Service

  12. Make the description as long as possible, close to a full article, because YouTube and Google can read it best when it’s long. Use your main keywords and related words in that description so it looks natural, and follow the first words or first sentence with a full address of your website (including the http) so that it is clickable. Paste your video link at the very end of this description.

  13. Fill in tags, location (where your business is located), captions, and annotations. Make your website address inside the video clickable so that viewers don’t have to look for it in your description.

  14. The most important thing to optimize your clip is to make it viral. Put the video on your website, upload it to Facebook, G+, and other social profiles. Ask everyone you know to watch it, like it, comment, subscribe, and any other option to make it look popular to search engines. This will help your video show up on the first page of search results and make your work worthwhile.

While this is a rough outline of the process, many more details exist – especially in item number 14. Explore this whole process more, test it out, make videos, and repeat it all again.

Let me know if you need help!

Create and Promote your Own Videos Step by Step | Design and Promotion

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