Friday, July 19, 2013

Benefits of Using Wordpress for your Business Website Design

I started using the WordPress platform to create websites in 2010. Similar to every other product, there was a learning curve… I also wanted to compare static HTML coded websites (which I used to work with before) to dynamic WordPress based websites.

Since I prefer working with images and modules versus lines of letter and numbers (to be honest with you I don’t love coding that much), WordPress was easy to embrace. Although it has been developed as a blogging platform, its various, typical to blogs functions can be active or inactive, making WordPress extremely flexible and fairly easy to adopt to anyone’s needs.

What’s the benefit for the average business owner? Dynamic WordPress websites are considered CMS, or Content Management Systems. This means that with a little basic training, they can be updated with new pictures, texts, videos, etc by a business owner (fairly simply, too). However, building a website based on WordPress and using custom graphics and modules that will make it more appealing to you can present a challenge for those who are not familiar with computer functions outside of e-mails and news websites.

I believe there are a few ideas business owner should consider while contemplating building / having their business website developed using a WordPress platform:

  1. If you are willing to invest some of your spare time into learning the basics of WordPress, you’ll be able to build your local business website using FREE WordPress platform, FREE templates (thousands of them), and you don’t even need to purchase a domain name. While a WordPress domain name does not look very professional, it is available to use and won’t cost you a penny.

  2. Assuming the design and deployment of your local business website is performed by a third party, you can quickly take control of your website’s main functions after brief training as soon as the site is ready. You’ll be able to add, edit existing, or remove any content.

  3. There are literally thousands of free and purchasable plug-ins (scripts) that extend the functionality of a WordPress based website. Their installation usually only requires the click of a mouse and the plug-in you are looking for probably already exists. Just ask me if you need one!

  4. It is extremely easy to connect your WordPress based business website to popular social portals such as: Google Plus, Facebook business fan page, Twitter, your LinkedIn profile, and a YouTube business video channel. Even if you are unsure of how to start socializing your brand or simply don’t have any time, it’s important to do because it has become a business necessity. With WordPress, it becomes almost automatic – with every update on your website, a direct link will be posted through your social media sites.

  5. A majority of recently developed WordPress templates that can be used for website creation are responsive, which means that they adopt to the screen size of a device used to open your page. That means that you don’t need separate mobile and desktop sites and it should look good on a computer monitor, tablet, or an Internet enabled phone (should is the key word here because different operating systems may make the site look slightly different).

  6. Blogging modules allow interaction with your clients and help build trust.

  7. Big brands are using it, like: EBay, Yahoo, Digg, Ford, The Wall Street Journal, Sony, People Magazine, Samsung, Playstation, and many more. They are using it because of its functions, ability to grow, expand, and adopt.

Feel free to ask me any questions concerning your WordPress based local business website development.

Benefits of Using Wordpress for your Business Website Design

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